Bachelor of Interior Design Telkom University

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Head of The Bachelor Interior Design Programme


Head of Program's Greeting

"The Interior Design Study Program at Telkom University has undergone numerous changes since its inception, consistently aligning its programs to equip students with skills and thought processes relevant to the creative industry.

Our course is also at the forefront in exploring digital tools for design. This program helps students develop a strong understanding of interior design, design history, lightweight construction technology, and interior design practices to contribute to the improvement of the built environment. The emphasis is placed on the relationship between spatial poetry, the application of light structures and technology, as well as the position of interior design in social, cultural, and environmental sustainability. On behalf of the Study Program, I express gratitude to the faculty and staff for their support and guidance provided to our program at Telkom University."

Interior Design Profile Video

Supported by a faculty predominantly composed of practitioners in the field of product design and the creative industry, our program directly provides students with industry experiences.

Interior Design Profile Video

Didukung dengan tenaga pengajar yang sebgaian besar merupakan praktisi di bidang desain produk dan industri kreatif, sehingga secara langsung dapat memberikan pengalaman industri kepada mahasiswa.

Latest News

The latest information from the Interior Design Program

Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) adalah satuan pendidikan anak usia dini dalam jalur pendidikan formal yang memberikan pendidikan kepada anak-anak usia empat tahun hingga …

Berdasarkan data Dinas Pendidikan Jawa Barat, Provinsi Jawa barat memiliki peningkatan penyandang disabilitas sejak tahun 2022, dengan penambahan sekitar 7000 siswa. Adapun …

Perpustakaan merupakan salah satu ruangan penting untuk menunjang kualitas belajar mengajar di setiap sekolah. Begitupun komponen furniture di dalamnya seperti meja pustakawan …

Latest Event

In support of both academic and non-academic activities for students, Tel-U has implemented a series of policies and provided various outstanding facilities, as well as diverse activity units.

01 March 2024
14:30 - 17:30

Salam HEI.. salam FIK.. izin menyampaikan undangan sosialisasi TA semester Genap 2023/2024 Desain Interior, untuk semua peserta TA, yang akan diselengarakan pada Hari : Jumat, 1 Maret 2024 Pukul: 14.30 - Selesai WIB Tempat: Zoom Meeting mohon kehadirannya karena akan ada info time line, adminstrasi, output TA DI, dll, serta QnA terima kasih 🙏

14 December 2023
08:00 - 12:00

"Kuliah Umum + Workshop High Pressure Laminates (HPL) by TACO" Pembicara: Gunadi Saputra (Senior Manager Brand Marketing & Corp. Communication) Moderator: Fernando Siregar 🗓️ Kamis, 14 des 2023 🕒 8.00 - 12.00 WIB 📍Aula Gedung Sebatik FIK Lt. 5 Agenda: Product knowledge + Workshop High Pressure Laminates (HPL) Ada Rewards : Hasil workshop terbaik Free to join our workshop :) ditunggu kedatangannya

29 November 2023
13:30 - 15:30

Yang Terhormat Bapak/Ibu Dosen DI-Tel U Untuk menunjukkan betapa pentingnya wawasan Manajemen Proyek dalam Proyek Interior sebagai fundamental profesi Desainer Interior, untuk itu kami bermaksud mengadakan Kuliah Umum dengan Topik: *"The Importance of Project Management in Interior Project"* Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 29 November 2023 Waktu : 13.30 – 15.30 WIB Tempat : Aula FIK Lantai 5


The services provided by the study program

Offline Student Advising

This offline advising is one of the direct interaction processes between students and academic advisors before registering through iGracias.

Magang & Studi Independen

The Campus Merdeka Internship and Independent Study Program, or MSIB, is an activity launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in 2021.

MBKM Internship

Flagship Program from the expertise group unit of FIK, where this program focuses on enhancing students' competence to become professionals in the field of Interior Design.

MBKM Project Design

Flagship Program from the expertise group unit of FIK, focusing on gaining comprehensive experience in working on interior design projects.

MBKM Event Management

"Flagship Program from the expertise group unit of the Faculty of Creative Industry, focusing on enhancing students' competence in event management."

Final Projects

The program is wholeheartedly committed to providing the best support to all our students, aiming for them to successfully complete their final projects.

Professional Work

We offer various specialized services to help bridge the gap from academic environment to professional career, enabling students to enter the workforce fully prepared.

Layanan Surat

Menyediakan berbagai layanan terkait surat untuk memastikan kejelasan, ketepatan, dan profesionalitas seperti surat aktif mahasiswa, surat pengantar tugas mata kuliah dan penelitian, surat pengantar kerja profesi

Learn More

Achievement Gallery

Discover the brilliance in our Achievement Gallery! Student success, faculty dedication, and program achievements—all in one place. Find inspiration, celebrate achievements with us.


Dokumentasi Kami


We establish partnerships with various institutions and industries to support curriculum development and learning experiences